Waarschijnlijk neemt niemand het je kwalijk als je deze twee speelse, soms wat onhandige hondenrassen met elkaar verwisselt. Met hun grote flaporen, liefdevolle ogen en hun lach van oor tot oor, delen ze veel kenmerken. Geen wonder dat de Labrador en de Golden Retriever bij de favoriete rassen van veel Nederlandse gezinnen horen!
Maar herken jij, behalve de overeenkomsten, ook de verschillen tussen deze twee populaire Retriever-rassen? Test jouw kennis over Retrievers met onze quiz – en daag ook je vrienden uit om te zien wie het hoogste scoort!
Welk ras heeft een kortere vacht?

Correct! Wrong!
Welk ras loopt een hoger risico op overgewicht?

Correct! Wrong!
Welke staart hoort bij de Golden Retriever?

Correct! Wrong!
Welk ras heeft een grotere variatie aan vachtkleuren?

Correct! Wrong!
Welk ras is iets groter?

Correct! Wrong!
Welk ras heeft een gespierdere bouw?

Correct! Wrong!
Welk voorhoofd hoort bij de Labrador?

Correct! Wrong!
Van welk ras heeft de vacht meer verzorging nodig?

Correct! Wrong!
Labrador vs Golden Retriever Quiz
Uh-oh! Looks like you struggled to separate the Labs from the Goldies. These breeds are tricky to tell apart, right? Head over to our breed profiles and comparison guide to dig a little deeper. You’re welcome to come back and try again. We’re sure you’ll ace this quiz next time.
Oops! These popular pooches foxed you. Time to head back to dog breed school and dust off your Retriever radar. Check out our Retriever comparison guide to wise up.
Yikes! That was tough. You got a couple right but looks like you had a hard time spotting the differences. Those Labs and Goldies slipped right through your fingers! Time to brush up with our Retriever comparison guide.
Not bad, but some of these Lab and Goldie facts scuppered you. Don’t worry, head on over to our Retriever comparison guide to brush up on your breed knowledge. You’re bound to get them all right on your second go.
Halfway! You could probably point out the right breed if you walked by them in the street. But you could do with a few pointers. Check out our comparison guide to polish your dog breed knowledge and come back for another try.
You’re pretty good at spotting the Labrador’s tail from the Goldie’s coat. But looks like you might need more schooling before you’re scoring A+’s like a pro! Take a look at our Retriever comparison guide to become a bone-a fide (sorry!) expert at spotting all those subtle differences.
Good work! You’re well on your way to becoming an expert Retriever spotter. To make your score a whopping 10/10, why not review our Retriever comparison guide.
You almost know these breeds inside-out. Let your friends know you’re a walking Retriever encyclopaedia - bragging rights if we ever heard them!
High paw! You’re clearly an expert on these big loveable beauties. You know your Goldies from your Labs and could talk about them for hours. Tell your friends you’re a bona fide Retriever expert and challenge them to beat your score!
Congratulations! You’re way ahead of the pack and could write a book on these popular breeds. You can spot the differences between a Goldie and a Lab a mile off! Time to show off your enviable Retriever knowledge to your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter!
Share your Results:
En, wat was je score? Laat het ons weten in de reacties hieronder of via Facebook en Instagram. Vergeet niet om @DogBuddyNL te taggen!