Why do dogs lick?
Whether you love the smell of your dog or not, you’ll never be able to get away from the fact that dogs lick. A lot. Everything from your feet to the sofa will inevitably get covered in your pooch’s slobber.
Some folks will like to think they’re “giving you a kiss”, while other people just get plain annoyed. Let’s look at some real reasons behind our dog’s slobbery ways…
While not strictly a “giving you a kiss”, this is a sign of your dog’s affection and signals a strong bond between dog and human. You should be flattered!
How many times have you reacted to a paper cut by putting your wounded finger in your mouth? Dogs behave in very much the same way and will lick their wounds to heal and clean the bacteria away – keeping it free of disease.
N.B. Do NOT let your dog lick any of your wounds.
Puppies lick their mother’s mouths to try and force them to regurgitate food. Nice.

“Ain’t nothin’ in there for you, little one” Source
Sensory exploration
They like the taste of humans! Dogs love our salty skin. They are also probably the only creature willing to go near your cheesy feet too. Well, either that or they can taste the cookie crumbs you dropped when you raided the biscuit tin.

I will find you. And I will lick you. You and your feet. Source
Just like us having our daily shower (I should hope!), licking is a way for dogs to keep clean.

So. Embarrassing. Source
Look out for this one. Excessive licking is bad and will reopen a wound, exposing it to bacteria. This is a sign of discomfort and nervousness and you should seek medical and/ or behavioural assistance. Pay extra attention to your dog’s needs – they’re trying to tell you something’s not right.

Notice the signs of dog anxiety. Source
Does your dog’s licking irritate you or do you welcome it? Let us know in the comments below.