There’s no better time for the beach like the Summer. It only seems right that we put a little collection of beach essentials together for you dog-loving folk.
1. Sandy bums. Unless you’re one of those weirdos people who enjoys being caked in sand; bring a towel.

10 Dog Beach Accessories You Didn’t Know You Needed
2. Shade. You and your pooch may love to bask in the warm embrace of the sun, but you absolutely must ensure you can also escape to the cooler shade.

3. Staying hydrated. You may well be flagging down the beach bar’s waiting staff for a taste of daiquiri heaven, but don’t forget Fido. Avoid a bulky water bowl and get one that packs away easily.

4. Whimsy. These are not what I had in mind when I went out looking for doggy-style flip-flops. I was going to suggest an ordinary pair of dog print ones…but then I found these! The ultimate in dog-lover footwear.

5. Adventure. A boogie board trip will certainly suit the more adventurous dogs. If your dog is an exceptional swimmer you may even be able to get him to pull you along while you have a lie-down on the board instead.

6. Practicals. You’ll absolutely need an appropriate beach bag to help you bring some of these items down to the beach. PLUS, you’ll need some way of transporting your new collection of sea shells home.
7, 8 & 9. Fashion dahling. You’re not a “dog person” unless you’re parading around in an outfit (perhaps a bit gaudy) that screams dog-lover.
For her. Corner couture heels optional (but mind your ankles):

For him:

Don’t forget the sarong for all:

10. Protection. You can’t lounge on the beach and look the part without a bitchin’ pair of sunglasses now can you? Yes, those are colourful pugs on the lenses.

What are your dog beach essentials? Let me know in the comments below.