While Adele and Coldplay were delighting the Glastonbury masses, and the nation was busying themselves with Brexit, we travelled to a lovely corner of Berkshire to attend DogFest. We couldn’t think of a better way to spend a weekend than with thousands of dogs! And, with the wonderful British summer weather true to form we still managed to experience a small slice of Glasto…
The mud didn’t deter us for long. DogFest, true to its name, is a feast of delights for dogs and their owners. Hosted by Noel Fitzpatrick (AKA The SuperVet) DogFest one of the largest and most popular dog events in the UK, featuring fun and games and importantly, the chance to do a spot of shopping and dog-pampering.

“Did someone say ‘shopping’?”
For us, it was an irresistible opportunity to meet thousands of dog owners and spread the word about DogBuddy. We had tons of fun chatting to owners about how we can help them enjoy their holidays and evenings out happy in the knowledge that their pooch is being given proper love and attention by a local, trusted sitter.
We were kept busy handing out thousands of goodie bags and poo bag holders (because let’s face it, who wouldn’t want a DogBuddy poo bag holder?).
The best thing about DogFest? Meeting all these beautiful dogs:
Were you at DogFest? Why not share your favourite moments with us on Twitter or Facebook?