11 Types of Dog Owners You’ve Met at the Park
Going to the park regularly is one of the best things about having a dog, or dog sitting. It’s so relaxing to play or walk around with your best furry friend after a long day at work.
If you go often, you’ve probably met a bunch of other dog owners from all walks of life…
1. The one who always “forgets” to bring poop bags
There’s always someone going around asking for a spare poop bag when their dog leaves a present for them. They always seem to forget theirs (or do they never actually buy any?).
2. The human treat dispenser
This dog owner comes prepared with bags of treats and gives them out to aaaaaall of the doggies. While the intention is sweet, this can be slightly annoying if you are trying to teach your dog to sit and wait for treats, to not take food for strangers, or even dangerous if some dogs have allergies or are food possessive.
3. The ball-phobic owner
Some dogs have the bad habit of stealing balls and don’t give them back. We know that it’s a hard habit to break and that trying to get a ball back is time consuming, but asking everyone not to play ball with their own dog because of it is a bit much!
4. The fashionista who doesn’t want to get dirty
If you’ve had your dog for a while, you probably know better than to bring your most purtiest outfit to the park. But there’s always one person who didn’t get the memo and who will scream whenever a pup gets even remotely close to them!
5. The “know it all” who wants to educate your dog for you
While tips and tricks on dog care are usually appreciated, some dog owners overdo it a bit. You may try to explain that you follow another school of thought concerning training (especially when they preach negative reinforcement), but they want you to do it their way.
6. The overly confident dog walker
Dog walkers do an amazing job walking packs, which isn’t an easy task! But it’s always funny to watch them walk through a doggie area trying to keep a controlled and calm pace when all the dogs just want to run off and play.
7. The anxious new dog owner
Puppies can play rough too! Many puppy or recently adopted dog owners get very worried when their pooch starts to play a little loudly or runs around at full speed. It’s not uncommon to see someone pick up their dog and walk away at the slightest bark or play-bite. Relax!
8. The Kennel Club enthusiast
Regardless of if your dog is a defined breed or a loveable mutt, there will always be someone who feels the need to comment on their genetics… usually in a negative way. Their dog, however, is obviously top notch.
9. The oblivious owner glued to their phone
There’s usually more than one of those! And let’s face it, most of us are guilty of if to some extent. Instead of keeping an eye on your dog, you’re scrolling through Instagram or Facebook and eventually look up to realise that they’re helping themselves to someone’s picnic, pooping or pestering a pooch who doesn’t want to play. Oops!
10. The doggie dietitian
Nevermind what your vet tells you, this dog owner knows best! They will always bluntly let you know if they think your dog is overweight, underweight, unfit, too fit… there’s always something wrong!
11. The dog stuff shopping addict
“Where did you get your leash? How about your dog’s collar? Cute dog park bag! Where is it from? What kind of treats are those?” We’ve all experienced the dog owner who wants to know where you got ALL of your dog supplies, and dog accessories if you have any!
Which of these have you met so far, and which one are YOU? Let us know by leaving a comment!