Dog grooming sounds like a luxury service to me. The idea of spending more than a tenner on a dog’s haircut makes me clench right up. That may well be because I don’t even spend that much on my own hair do (or don’t, as the case may be) – resorting instead to cutting my own hair. All that being said, I understand that some dogs have seriously high maintenance hair and my scissoring techniques would not be up to scratch.
There are, however, some very generous pop princesses who appear to single-handedly support the world’s dog groomers. Please welcome to the stage Ms. Britney Spears.

Here is Brit Brit, who, in 2014 reportedly spent close to £15,000 on dog care; including (but not limited to) vet visits, grooming sessions and pet sitting services. Hey, Brit wanna come the the UK? We’ve got dog sitters galore for you! More than enough for you to have a new one every day of the year in fact. Sound good?
Where there is one pop princess with exorbitant pet bills there is always another though. So let’s introduce Mariah Scarey (ask her ex-assistant).

This is none other than The Good Reverend Pow Jackson. Not only is Mariah generous with the naming of her pooches, but she also drops some serious coinage on pampering – splashing out a cool £17,000 a year on their hair cuts, facials, massages and body wraps to name a few. You’d be forgiven for slipping on a dog costume and hanging around her trailer in the hopes of getting adopted. Top tip: Jack Russell type dogs are her thing.
If you really want to make it big as a flush flea-bag, forget about these two warbling women and set your sights on a media empire titan. Who? Specifically, the great Oprah Winfrey. Her motley crew stands to inherit a fortune of almost £20,000,000! Yes, million.

How much do you spend on the groomer each month? Do you even take your dog to be groomed are you more likely to whip out the clippers like me?