Getting a dog of your own is a big moment in the life of a dog lover. It’s super-important to realise that it will change your life furever!
As a dog owner who rescued a Corgi not so long ago, I’m sharing the experiences any new pup parent will encounter. Like having children, sacrifices definitely had to be made in my life!
1. There’s no way you can sleep in anymore. Breakfast time is breakfast time, no matter what.
Getting a Dog for the First Time
2. You somehow convince yourself that picking up poop daily is totally OK and not gross at all.
3. Your pet budget may cause your shopping sprees to reduce significantly.
4. Squeaky toys being destroyed become a constant background noise at home.

Sun loving her new toy at the DogBuddy office.
5. You can’t go anywhere without being stopped by people who want to pet your dog.
6. Hoover your home at least twice as much as before, or it will turn into an ocean of fur.
7. You don’t get to stay indoors on rainy days. Your four-legged friend has to go out, regardless of the weather!
8. Say goodbye to your favourite furniture, it’s about to get redesigned!
9. Forget about traveling light, you have to bring the bed, the food, the toys… (unless you get a dog sitter of course).
10. Oh! And you will get free, frequent performances of your dog’s dulcet tones.
Are you ready for these changes? Let us know about your own experiences in the comments below!