Over the last week, dogs got involved in everything from taking a stance in the elections to becoming the latest bar staff at a pop-up bar. If we’ve missed anything, tell us in the comments.
1. Bar Dogs Take Over From Barmaids 
Prefer bar mutts to barmaids? You’re in luck – the Bar D’Alsace-tian will be making an appearance in London from this Friday the 6th of May. For a limited time only you’ll have a pack of Alsations delivering beer to your table. Of course it’s a PR stunt, but whenever it involves dogs, you can be sure we’ll be interested. You can book tickets here – if there are any left that is.
2. Political Pooches Populated Polling Places
Britain took to the polls on Thursday but it wasn’t just us humans who went to have our say – dogs across the nation were also in attendance. In fact #DogsAtPollingStations was trending on twitter, with folks all over Britain posting photos of the dogs they encountered waiting by the polling stations.
3. Camera Flashes Took Over South London
Whilst the headline may be a slight exaggeration, this week has been very exciting for DogBuddy. We paid a visit to a professional studio and did a shoot for an upcoming campaign. Working with animals is supposed to be difficult but in our line of work it’s inevitable. Furthermore, Arthur (@dog_in_the_red_scarf) was a little star and jumped enthusiastically for the cameras more times than we could have asked for.
4. Humane Society Int’l Rescues 250 From Dog Meat Farm

So far, 79 of the 250 have already made their journey from Korea to the US thanks to a project being overseen by the Humane Society International. The remaining 171 dogs will be making their way to the US shortly and will be distributed amongst multiple partner shelters that will check for and treat medical issues. It’s a fantastic result for these poor pooches that had been earmarked for a heartbreaking end.