This week we’ve seen more positive dog news than we had for a long time. Not only are strange children secretly hugging dogs, but Cancer studies have found a key to preventing it in dogs.
1. A Secret Dog Hugger Was Unveiled
An absolutely adorable story surfaced last week of a young boy in Louisiana, USA who had been regularly riding past his neighbour’s property and running into the garage to quickly hug the resident dog and then dash off again. The home owner resorted to using a security camera to catch the serial hugger in the act. It wasn’t until the home owner posted the video on Facebook asking neighbours for help identifying the boy that the little delinquent was identified. It turns out that about a year ago the boy’s own dog had passed away and he had understandably taken it very hard. Thanks to the unveiling of these antics, he has not had the opportunity to spend more quality time with the dog in question without the need for secrecy.
2. Microchip Comes To The Rescue
Microchipping has been a legal requirement in the UK since April. If you still haven’t had your pooch chipped here is yet another example of the good a microchip can do.
Four years ago a Chihuahua called Chiquito ran away from home in Chicago – specifically an area called Slag Valley believe it or not. The family put flyers up around the neighbourhood but after more and more time elapsed they lost hope of recovering their tiny dog. However, just last week, Chiquito was found by Chicago police who took the dog to the Animal Welfare League. His chip was read, his family was identified and he was reunited with his family a whole four years after disappearing.
3. HRH Appeared At Bark Walk Celebrations
It may have been a wet weekend, but that didn’t stop the dog lovers who attended the Bark Walk street party on Sunday in London’s Chelsea. Not only did pooches close the road and make it their own, but HRH even made an appearance… in the form of a cardboard cutout with an accompanying pack of corgis to boot! For the full run down and photos of the event check out Miss Darcy’s blog.
4. Cancer Rates Sky-High – Dog Diet Is The Answer

Diabetes in dogs is off the charts, obesity is at it’s highest ever, and Cancer is attacking one in two dogs! The largest dog study ever has been conducted and the results are shocking. What they’ve discovered is that 90% of cancer cases in dogs are caused by their lifestyle and environment. Furthermore, 30% to 40% of all cases can be prevented by changing your dog’s diet.
Award winning pet nutrition writer, Rodney Habib, went on a mission around the world to research the lifestyles behind the oldest dogs and found that diet played an enormous part. He discovered a Norwegian researcher who had been adjusting the diets of Great Danes – greatly increasing their life spans. Rodney also uncovered a shocking study by Purdue University. They had been feeding dogs leafy greens three times a week and found that it decreased the risk of cancer in dogs by 90%.
Watch the whole TEDx presentation by Rodney here.