You might be forgiven for getting mixed-up between these two playful, lolloping breeds. Both boasting their loveable floppy ears, soulful eyes and ear-to-ear smiles. Labradors and Golden Retrievers are firm favourites in UK households, and it’s no wonder!
But can you tell the difference between these two popular Retriever breeds? Brush up your knowledge with our breed comparison guide, then put your Retriever knowledge to the test with our quiz – why not challenge all the dog lovers in your life to see who can get the highest score?
Which breed has the shorter coat?

Which breed is more prone to obesity?

Which tail belongs to the Golden Retriever?

Which breed was first bred in the UK?

Which breed has more coat colour varieties?

Which breed is slightly larger?

Which forehead belongs to the Labrador?

Which breed’s coat is more high maintenance?

Which breed has cousins known as the American ‘working’ breed?

Which breed has a more muscular build?

Share your Results:
Need to learn more about Labradors and get to know Goldies? Wise up with our Golden Retriever vs Labrador Retriever guide. You’ll be an expert in no time at all!
Image credits:
Flickr users: plugusin, piviso, az1172, taip5.