Put your dog breed knowledge to the test with our quiz and discover how sharp your dog-detecting skills are when it comes to the loveable Frenchie and the sprightly Bostie.
Ever gotten muddled between a Boston Terrier and a French Bulldog? It’s not too surprising these Bulldog-esque beauties sometimes get mistaken for each other; both breeds have English Bulldog ancestry in their DNA, so it’s no wonder they look similar – they’re close cousins of the dog world. But can you tell them apart? Take our quiz and find out how sharp your dog identification skills really are!
Which ears belong to the Frenchie?

Which breed is taller?

Which muzzle belongs to the Frenchie?

Which dog breed is generally more active?

Which breed is usually more expensive to buy?

Which breed has a longer lifespan?

Hold your noses! Which breed is infamous for being gassy?

Which dog breed is usually heavier?

Which legs belong to the Boston Terrier?

Which breed is more popular in the UK?

Share your Results:
Need to brush up on your Bosties and figure out your Frenchies? Why not check out our Boston Terrier vs French Bulldog guide, then come back and try again.
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Flickr users: bl4d3runr, ndecam, annethelibrarian, tinou, elvissa, seat850, 12587661@N06, jon_roberts, 70626035@N00.