Many dogs enjoy chasing fast moving objects, including people on bicycles, skates, skateboards and toboggans. Dogs occasionally become agitated by the movements of these human powered vehicles (HPVs), which can be dangerous as dogs can travel faster than HPVs. If a dog catches up to the rider, they may bite the person or obstruct the HPV causing the rider to crash, which may result in injury to the person and the dog.

(Source: Dog Run)
Preventing Chasing Behavior
- Begin by teaching Fido a consistent recall so you can call him to “come” when needed. Train Fido away from traffic or noisy areas so he can concentrate on learning without getting distracted or excited. Learn more about Teaching Your Dog to Come When Called.
- If Fido shows interest in moving HPVs, teach him to relate them with good things. The moment you notice Fido looking at an HPV rider, distract him by calling his name, praising and rewarding him with a treat or favorite toy. If Fido is still distracted wiggle the treat in front of his face to get his attention. Do this each time an HPV passes until Fido instinctively turns towards you in anticipation of treats whenever he sees one.
- Don’t allow Fido to bark at HPVs from behind a fenced yard either, once he begins doing this he will be more likely to chase after them when outside. Disrupt Fido’s behavior by clapping sharply and if necessary saying “No!” before bringing him back indoors.
- While preventing and deterring a dogs chasing behavior is important, it’s also essential to give Fido enough exercise and stimulation to avoid him chasing HPVs out of boredom or excess energy.
If Fido continues displaying disruptive chasing behavior, consider getting help from a professional dog behaviorist or trainer.