It’s raining outside. It’s raining and it’s freezing. You don’t want to go out there. Your dog doesn’t want to go out there. Let’s face it. Nobody really wants to go out there unless they’re being paid to.
Unless the final destination is the pub (bearing in mind some pubs aren’t as dog-friendly as we’d like them to be),
let’s assume for now that you CAN’T go. What are you and your best hairy pal (not your spouse) going to do with the day to keep yourselves entertained?
Here’s a bunch of things you could do to save yourself a bout of pneumonia.
Teach Your Dog New Tricks
Your dog is a legend, but he could be more of a legend if you train him to be one. You know when you see other dogs doing tricks and think to yourself “I wish Rover could do that”? Well, wish no more, my friend. You too can teach your dog to sit, lie down, jump, and even lick the postman. All you need are treats and a rainy d-… Bingo!
Play Some Super Fun Games!
Our personal favourites are Hide and Seek and Tug of War. We reckon dogs love them just as much as we idiot humans do. Tug of War is pretty self-explanatory. Get a bit of rope or something that won’t hurt their teeth too much (a rubber Frisbee, perhaps?) and tug on that thing until YOU REIGN VICTORIOUS. Only joking, you should probably let the hairy guy win sometimes. And maybe the dog too (who invited that hairy guy anyway?). Another absolute classic is ‘Hide and Seek’; a simple yet effective way to play ‘fetch’ indoors. All you need to do is chuck a treat and RUN FOR THE HILLS. And by hills, I mean another room. Or just behind the sofa if you’re too slow. You could also play hide and seek with treats. Such options, many treats. Wow.

Interested in the frisbee? Not in the least! This little Frenchie met us in our last meetup at Kensington Gardens
Train That Conk!
Your dog has a nose and that nose should be used to its full potential. Why don’t you try hiding some treats (like a big juicy steak… or a cat) somewhere and train your dog to sniff it out? If you hide it well enough, he’ll be hunting for a while. This’ll buy you some time to make a well-deserved cup of tea, and the juicy prize at the end will put a big smile on that hairy wee canine face. Just make sure neither of you forget about that steak. We don’t want to be held responsible for your rat infestation.

So. Happy. Nommy times. Source: Huffington Post
Everyone needs them, and everyone loves them. Put on David Attenborough’s latest offering to the world. Cosy up on the couch and watch two kangaroos having a fist fight / a monkey being weird / some fish. Or you could even watch some rom-coms if your dog is into that sort of thing. I mean, let’s face it, who doesn’t love Jennifer Aniston? Besides Brad Pitt…
Be Bold
The weather can’t be that bad. Put on every single item of clothing you own and go outside anyway. If it gets too much, hotfoot it to the nearest pooch-friendly pub and enjoy a frosty one and a bowl of water by the fire. You deserve it for your bravery.
Have you got any ideas for indoor dog activities? Share them in the comments below.