It widely known that one of the best dog toys on the market is the Kong. Ever since its launch 35 years ago, it’s been a bestseller for dog training and relieving dog anxiety.
Dog owners with exercise as their number one priority will also know the Kong is one of the most sturdiest products out there.
The hole in the Kong is primarily used for dog treats. Pop a few in there and it’ll keep your four-legged friend nice and busy (or distracted for those with SAD), but did you know there’s actually a right way to stuff a kong?
No, us neither, until we caught up with dog trainer and behaviourist Oli Juste.
“Watch the video above for a lovely bit of Kong DIY.”

We suggest you wear gloves for this!
When You Stuff A Kong
Remember to put the smelliest item at the bottom so your dog can really work at getting to the good stuff.
A little about Oli Juste
Tutored by Sarah Whitehead, and alumni from Dr. Hare’s Dog Emotion and Cognition Course at Duke University, Oli provides positive, modern, ethical dog training with an emphasis on behaviour.
A contributor to The Good Vet and Pet Guide, you’ll find Oli’s regular Training Tips as Resident Behaviourist as mind-blowingly fascinating as we do.
Just like DogBuddy, Oli believes in making dog ownership as accessible and easy as possible. He’s on hand to guide you through all stages of your dog’s development, from puppy to oldie.
Whether you already have a dog, or you’re thinking about getting one, Oli can help you every step of the way. By giving your dog love, guidance and clear boundaries you’ll help them to be calmer, happier, more contented creatures.
Where to find Oli Juste
You can find Oli in the following places, head on over and show him some love!:
Website – Email – Facebook – Instagram – Twitter – Google+ – Pinterest – YouTube
Let us know how you stuff a kong and share your recipes and ideas with our community in the comments below.