It’s no secret that (most) dogs love being outdoors. In fact, some dogs can barely contain their excitement at the mere mention of the ‘W’ word.
Taking the dog for a walk is never dull, so we’re sure you’ve experienced some of these classic walkies moments for yourself. See how many you can relate to… we’re willing to bet our fanciest leash you can tick off most!
1. When the leash is on and your dog can’t contain their excitement.
2. When your pooch knows exactly where you’re driving.
‘Mum, are we nearly there yet? Are we there yet? Are we? Are we? Weeeeeeee!!!’
3. All the time we suspect they’re dreaming of showing off like this…
4. But in reality, once they’re let loose, here’s how it actually looks:
5. This dog is being a typical retriever. What a lazy bones!
6. Some dogs are right divas when it comes to their walking routines. But then, as the saying goes, if you want something done right… do it yourself!
7. Like this clever boy, who learned how to get ready for a walk… all by himself!
8. That moment your dog realises his mum was just getting up to make a cup of tea.
9. That ‘first taste of freedom’ moment.
“Smell you later, human!”
“I won’t go back indoors, you can’t make me!”
10. Some doggos, like this one, eat, sleep and dream walkies.
11. Rumour has it one of these pups accidentally set their birthday walk event on Facebook as ‘public to all’. Oops.
12. These workout buddies are trying to get their park bodies back to impress the bitches.
13. The park isn’t just for kids y’know…
14. This pooch’s curfew was 5 minutes ago and it’s a 15-minute walk home. Good luck, buddy!
15. It’s so precious when puppers just want to explore everything!
But sometimes, we honestly just want to get back home for a nice cuppa…
16. Then there are those dogs who definitely look like they’re taking their owners for a walk…
No grannies were harmed during the making of this blog post! It’s pretty safe to say that some visual manipulation has taken place on this GIF!
17. He may be smiling now, but not when he realises that mud = bath time…. yeah, not so much!
18. No walk is complete without finding the perfect stick.
19. This special pooch couldn’t decide which was the perfect one, so he got all the sticks.
Frankly, we’re impressed!
20. Of course, there’s the excitement of park wildlife…

21. We’ve all seen this happen…
22. “The squirrel’s down here! It must be!”
23. One of the best things about walkies is making new buddies.
24. There’s always a chance you could meet that special someone while out dog walking.
25. Before any friendships can be properly formed, though, this ancient ritual must take place.
26. Then it’s time to persuade your dog to come inside again…
We’re willing to bet you have funny stories, videos or pictures from taking your dog for walkies? Go on, why not share them with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by tagging @DogBuddyCo!