What with their needle-like teeth, growl and talons designed to chase and flush out Mustelidae, these hunting hounds sound more like dragons from fantasy series Game of Thrones than tiny dogs.
As small as the Dachshund is, these little guys punch well above their weight.
With regards to dangerous dog breeds, it was the turn of the German Shepherd in the 80s, the Doberman in the 90s and Staffordshire Bull Terrier in the 00s.
Could it be Wiener dogs next?
Quite possibly. Once you’ve seen our exposé, you’ll understand the real dangers these miniature monsters pose.
You Probably Didn’t Know Wiener Dogs Were THIS Dangerous
1. Their little faces are criminally cute.
2. And they’re dangerously counterproductive…
3. Their behaviour to keep you in bed on a Sunday morning is pretty threatening.
4. A true Wiener’s manipulative skills are through the roof. You’ll NEVER be able to say no.
5. And here we see the deadly, but rare, Lion Wiener in its natural habitat.
6. Listen to that menacing laugh….
7. And just look at that smug face.
8. Forget Jurassic Park. The Wiener dog is known to be more lethal than the Indominus Rex.
9. What you don’t realise about this little fella is that – like Pinky and the Brain – he’s plotting to take over the world.
10. And this one just sneakily pooped in your hand as you’re holding him.
11. But if you happen to catch a Wiener dog red-pawed, they’ll just act all cute and stuff. They’re Masters of Disguise.
12. Wiener dogs are secret masterminds.
13. They’re even using technology to hack code using Java and C++
14. Many influential people had Wiener dogs. It’s a well known fact that Picasso, Warhol, Gandhi and John F. Kennedy were all dictated to by their dogs.

Picasso and his Wiener Dog. Source
15. Don’t believe us? Just look at these guys. Training for world domination harder than any Navy Seal would train.
16. To be honest, they’ve already pretty much taken over the world already…

N.B. Not to scale. Source
17. …and all our clothes.
18. They’ve tried to infiltrate the youth of today pretending to be Minions.
19. It’s a Wiener dog’s prerogative to maliciously photobomb and ruin precious moments.
20. Trying to capture your darling little bundle of joy on camera? Forget about it.
21. True bullies that they are, we caught this Dachshund army trying to take down a fully grown Boxer dog.
22. They’ll utterly destroy your home. No shame.
23. Don’t even think about running to the cops. These guys are the long short arm of the law.
24. Definitely don’t be taken-in by this face. Pure. Evil.
25. Who are we kidding? Wiener dogs are the best thing that could ever happen to you!
We love seeing your Weiner dogs! Keep your pictures coming by sharing them on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Don’t forget to tag us @DogBuddyCo while you’re at it!